That was for the beginners, now for the rest of us who have been in this game for awhile, listen closely buy spare parts if you haven't already, review my post on spare parts and ask questions about your particular firearm and what parts/ tools you may need to keep it running. If the Gov't drives the manufacturers out of business or bans import of say AK kits, parts will start to evaporate.
My advice if you are panicking right now and have never purchased a firearm before in your life. #1 STOP panicking, there is nothing to fear as of right now, there is no danger of anything being stripped from your hands when you don't have it. #2 access your NEEDS, don't spend $2000 on a rifle alone if you've never owned one before, what are you purchasing it for? security? investment? maybe a little of both? God put a good head on your shoulders now use it, do you need a super tactical rifle to defend your apartment or would a Side by side coach gun work better? what versatility do you perceive in your needs? Think this out, firearms are tools, if you do not understand how to use the tools then don't bother having them. Please I beg of you learn safety, and use it always!